Deathloop delivery booth
Deathloop delivery booth

deathloop delivery booth

Once inside you'll find a door with three locks on it and the first combination on a note. To get inside, go there in the afternoon when the tide has gone out and you'll be able to find a small opening in the new lower area, just by some wooden poles and part of the bunker structure jutting out. There's a doorbell there, but ringing it doesn't do anything.

deathloop delivery booth

On the coast near where you come out of the Tunnels in Fristad Rock, you can find a door behind some breakable wood. This door is one of the hardest to open but also more than worth prioritising as you'll unlock a load of really useful info that will give you a massive head start in the game. Unless it contained something we collected elsewhere, it's a lot of hassle for very little reward. All we've found in there is an occasional enemy and an audio diary for Harriet.

#Deathloop delivery booth code

When you have all three numbers you can open the three code door and find… not a lot. To find him after the competition follow the same route you did to Vanya's Restaurant, but keep going past it and go around the back to reach his house. If you press the button twice then Anatoly will survive. Inside you'll find Vanya's code on a letter in the back room, on the counter by the shelves with boxes on. Head down the stairs to the right on the other side to Vanya's Restaurant. To find her code head to Karl's Bay after the Noon competition and go through the Gardens of Perception entrance. If you press the button once, Vanya will survive. To get the other codes you'll need to interfere with the machine by pressing the smoking machine button so that different competitors make it home and survive after the competition takes place at Noon.

deathloop delivery booth

Near the smoking machine you'll find a note on a table explaining 'The Pact of Smoke' and one of the codes you'll need from one of the competitors, Cassandra. You'll find a door protected by three locks in Updaam, with a note talking about rigging a smoking competition.

Deathloop delivery booth